FSH Seed Flecke-Saaten-Handel GmbH
FSH Flecke Saaten Handel GmbH (FSH Seed) specializes in the production of flower seeds; from asters to zinnias. Our company, located near the city of Hannover, Germany has over 30 years’ experience with wildflowers and flowering meadows.
Our exclusive varieties and introductions include, among others, Antirrhinum Sachmo ,Antirrhinum Tutti Frutti, Callistephus chinensis Angela, Callistephus Bicoletta ®, Callistephus Opus ®, Callistephus Prinette ®, Cosmos Bajazzo, Eschscholzia Twister, Helianthus F1 Aureola, Helianthus Quarz ®, Helianthus Santa Fe, Helianthus Santa Lucia, Penstemon Esprit, Rudbeckia Indian Summer ®, Rudbeckia Irish Spring, Zinnia Early Bird und Zinnia Spider.
We at FSH Seed also produce a wide variety of standard flower seeds for the wholesale market including Cheiranthus, Chrysanthemum, Clarkia, Cosmos, Delphinium, Dianthus, Echinacea, Eschscholzia, Gaillardia, Helianthus, Iberis, Lathyrus, Linum, Lupinus, Nemophila, Nigella, Papaver, Phlox, Silene, Tagetes and Viola to name a few.
Meadow-in-a-Can is a popular flower mix in a shaker can for the home garden market. Other flowering meadow mixes such as Confetti, Flowering Fence, Daisy Mix and Butterfly Garden are popular for packet, mail-order and landscape use.
© FleckeSaatenHandel GmbH